The School Board has a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, May 3 at 5:30pm. Regular meeting draft agenda and documents here:
Agenda highlights:
⏺3. Comments to the Board
Information on providing Comments to the Board can be found here:
⏺4.01 Project SEARCH
⏺4.04 Teacher Appreciation Week
⏺4.05 School Lunch Hero Day
⏺6.01 School Start Times - Impacts, Cost Data and Community Feedback
⏺8.01 Policy and Procedure Recommendations - Policy 606 and Procedures 606A, 606B, 606C - First Briefing
⏺8.02 Policy and Procedure Recommendations - Policy 213 and 213.01 and Procedure 213.01A First Briefing
⏺8.03 Policy Recommendations - March 25 and April 7 - 2nd Briefing
⏺8.04 Procedure Recommendations - March 25 and April 7 - 2nd Briefing
The School Board will be meeting in person in the board room at the Edison Building and the meeting will be streamed online at:
